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PNG Customs Chief Towe urges companies in PNG to register their trademark

Papua New Guinea  Customs chief commissioner David Towe has urged companies  in the country to register their trademark so that the issues of counterfeiting can be addressed.

“Those companies who are yet to register, I strongly urge you to register. Inform us to watch out,” Towe said.

Customs chief commissioner David Towe
(photo by PNG Customs] 

“The regulation of trademarks is that once the IPA (Investment Promotion Authority) registers the trademark, the trademark owner is required to record the trademark with Customs, giving us that right to intervene at the border.

“If the trademark owner does not register with us, he or she has not given us the right to intervene.”

A memorandum of understanding was signed with the IPA in Port Moresby.

“After they register with us, we inform our officers to keep an eye on this trademark.

“Once they sight the import bearing the marks that are registered locally, we alert the owner of the trademark.

“Is this import authorised by you? Or does it carry the original trademark or it is a counterfeit of your trademark?”

“If he or she says that the import is authorised by them, we let it go.

“But if they say that the trademark is an infringement, that is when we detain the cargo.”

“If the owner of the trademark is in Malaysia or China or wherever, authorised a particular agent to be a distributor agent here, they can register with the IPA and then record with us.”

The National / Pacific Business News

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