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PNG Lawyer Happy with Change in Energy Policy

With the change in energy policy in the country since 2014, a gradual increase is seen in the establishment and growth of energy companies all over Papua New Guinea. 

The change in Energy Policies after 2014 has paved way for Landowner Companies and other Private companies to generate and sell electricity.

Maymiem Hydro Limited is a new Landowner company owned by the people of Woginara One at Huben Mountain along the West Coast of Wewak, East Sepik Province.

“As their lawyer and advisor I am trying to stir Maymiem Hydro Limited to become another LO Company that will own, generate and sell its own power and I am very proud of that fact,  Lawyer Mr Raphael Saulep”.

The generation of power from the Maymiem hydro plant will also support Kotai Minerals Corporation Limited which is going to be a mining company and will require a lot of power to run its operations and it will also provide power to the whole of West Coast and parts of Aitape in West Sepik.

Mr Saulep said the Governments of United States, Japan, Australia and New Zealand committed sixty billion DOLLARS to assist the people of South West Pacific which includes Papua New Guinea to build their new power stations.

With political support, Maymiem Hydro, Sowom Hydro and Hawain Hydro Projects are all projects that can access those donor funds with the possibility of generating unlimited power for Wewak Township and also Aitape in West Sepik.

“These are projects that should get off the ground in becoming real participants in power generation in the country because the funds donated by those four foreign governments are already available and as leaders we should be doing everything we could to access those funds, said Mr Saulep”.

(Pictured is Mr Raphael Saulep, of Saulep Lawyers)

Source : FM 100 

Next : Demand for Foreign Exchange in PNG High

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